Reader Review

Dinesh Verma
CEO Pendown Press

How many more working moms will have to sacrifice their sanity at the altar of guilt & the "Supermom Syndrome" before the world wakes up???

The answer is NONE!!!

Because the "Millenial Mom" lets you in on the Secret of "Work-Mom 

Lushin Dubey
Director / Actor - Theatre & Films

"Internal happiness" of women is the spout, from which flows happiness for all others, her children, her family, her friends and her colleagues . As a woman, opening that window to let our, "inner sun" ( ie. Our capabilities and talents) also blaze rather than just the "outer sun" (ie. our societal recognition and societal expectation) is the key to being a complete and wholistic individual.

Shikha's book , with all her empirical experiences of the balancing act between being a mother and a working woman, brings the, "inner sun"‘ vividly before our eyes and is an invaluable inspiration and guide for any one of us. We need such books as guides and strong friends by our side.

Megha Khurana
Media Specialist & Homemaker

A fun, satirical & relatable journey of a mother constantly navigating through choices she has to make. This book is a mirror to our own experiences as we read and I am sure you will enjoy the real examples she shares, some of them being like your own.

Dr. Shruti Nada Poddar
Mentor, Vibrational Healer and Educationist

Shikha Kedia's-The Millennial Mom is a very timely book which gives us many many insights as to how the modern young mother who is a career person, who is an entrepreneur, who is a multifaceted thinker and doer, manages her house, her children, and manages to play so many roles just like a 'Shakti' with 10 arms or maybe 100 arms today. Shikha herself is a wonderful mother, an absolutely amazing entrepreneur, who started really young in her life and has made a great success out of her career. I compliment her on her journey so far, culminating in this book, which is really an account of her own experience, and through her experience, her advice to all youngsters. I hope everybody reads this book, it's really worthwhile for personal transformation.